September Newsletter 2014
Guess what time of the year it is?! It’s time for our first Club meeting of the season! Where did the summer go?! Hope everyone had fun!
Not too much to say for our first newsletter of the season, but that will change after our first meeting as we discuss upcoming events. We will be setting dates for our Highway Clean-Up, Chili Dump, and Christmas Party. We will discuss the Calendar Raffle and Club Trip. Come with your ideas on where we want to go for our Club Trip! We want to try some place new this year! We will also be looking for volunteers to attend the AWSC Fall Workshop on October 31st-November 2nd in Wisconsin Dells! Attending the conference is a great way to learn more about the sport of snowmobiling and to have your voice heard! If you are interested in attending, come to our meeting and let us know!
Our first Club meeting will be held on Sunday, September 14th at 6pm at the Shamrock Pub. Board Members…remember our meeting will start at 5pm!
Hope to see you all there and catch up on what everyone did this summer!
Julie Reuter